Saturday, April 23, 2011


We bought this house knowing the upstairs would be kid-land - we knew the living space up there would be perfect for our brood to play and romp and enjoy - little did we know that we would spend all of our time up there too...

It is fabulous to be surrounded by toys and cushions and SPACE to play and relax with the babes and Olv. There isn't too much up there yet except in the "kids' living room" as Oliver calls it. There are 4 bedrooms, two other "bonus" rooms, and the strange outdoor/indoor atrium up there and only a couple of spaces have any furniture in them - but we still roam about up there and really live in the whole kid floor most of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Well, it's hard to concentrate on the house with the babers and Ol around. I melt for those kids...
