Today we are starting to get quotes for the extensive block walls we need around the entire property. Behind the pool in the duck photo you can see the most glaringly obvious spot where we need a wall asap. Doug and Jesse tore out a tangle of old, dead oleanders and now the lovely chainlink fence is all that stands between the pool (which has blued up considerably - yea!) and the abandoned alley behind it.
In the next photo with the twins you can see wall area #2 in priority. There is a stand of dead, low bushes that used to semi-enclose the front mini-lawn area in front of the house. Here we want to build a three foot wall with some cool gates to keep the kids from traipsing out into the big yard.
The #3 wall area will be the front of the whole property along 7th St - see the previous post about solid teak doors from India - and compare the old rusty iron one I found yesterday in the next pic. This open option is still big enough to drive through but is half the price of the wood option. What do you think? I am torn...
The #4, 5 and 6 area for walls --- lordy - what a long haul this is going to be!
Finally the last images are of gates I am thinking of using in the front, low wall. The simple piece of iron jali could be a wall inset while the gates would be the main access point to the front mini-lawn and actual front door. Which ones are cooler? I am drawn to both - the light pair for the curve and the lower pair for the more exotic wood jali work.
Light pair with curve. I like the curve with the arches.