It is almost impossible to stop obsessing about all the details of the new house even though we are not in it yet. I suppose it is only natural considering the alternative is to slowly and methodically finish the packing... much more fun to pour over im

ages of light fixtures, fireplace concepts and ideas to make over the kitchen island, (which I may possibly get to do in a

bout a decade considering there is nothing actually wrong with it except for the fact that I don't love it as is...)

SO - ideas abound!
The pendant fixture is Moroccan brass - I am thinking of hanging it in the front entry so the light plays over the stairs and gives the house some immediate drama.
The fireplace is currently a generic stacked stone that does not go with the Spanish roots of the house. I think the most faithful style would be the first image here - stucco with a simple wooden mantle and arched insets. I love the European stone surrounds, however like in the next image. These are so pricey if actually done properly, however and I am afraid it may be a little formal for the house. The simple surround with the zellij tile, however - well, no surprise that I like that one!
Finally I have a basic open kitchen island photo here - I have always liked these. I don't think I can get away with this in the new kitchen - the range is in the monolithic thing now... but we will see!